Everything you should do to add this effect to blogger blog is to :
- Copy this javascript code:
- Go to Layout.
- Click on Add Gadget.
- Select HTML/JavaScript , for more help on steps 2 -4 you can look post Adding categories to blog subtitle Adding HTML or JavaScript to blog
- Enter a title and paste jscript code you copied in first step.
<script src="http://host-jscript.googlecode.com/files/snow.js" type="text/javascript"> /*********************************************** * Snow Effect without images-by Kurt Grigg at http://www.btinternet.com/~kurt.grigg/javascript * Script featured & available at Dynamic Drive at http://www.dynamicdrive.com/ * Please keep this notice intact ***********************************************/ </script>
If you are interested in jQuery visit jQuery snow falling effect animation on your blog.
Or even better you can learn how to make 3D FALLING SNOW HTML EFFECT!
Very easy and now we have winter atmosphere. For those who want to choose shape of snow flakes I suggest to download instructions how to choose snowflake shape with more than 10 snowflake images like two snowflakes below.

- Demo for custom spahe snowflake:
- Custom snowflake 1
- Custom snowflake shape 2
- Demo of falling leaves
- Demos of moving winter characters:
- Animated santa
- animated polar bear
- great escape
To find more javascript effects visit article: Javascript effects tutorial.
thanks! it really helps! ^^
Tank you very much for this help!!!
this script consumes a lot of CPU to render (my X windows jumps at 100% on one of the CPU cores)
For Stephanie aka smacky and Norrdalen :
Glad to help you.
For rds :
Yes it is true. JScript runs on client machine but on the other side people like snowing effect :)
Thanks! Mark,
It's once again snowing in Darkcity!...and no "pun"
intended, but I also book "mark" ed you!
hi can we exchanged links?
hit me back if you want to..
Thanks for this......
Wow, thank you very much for your help! My blog looks cool.
Thank you ever so mutch for snow effect I have been trying a coupel of days but you are the only on that have a short direct explanation Thank you and Merry Christmas Annika
Thanks so mutch ! It's great !
Really cool!
Will this work in the classic blogger template? Love this effect!
moon :)
Tank you very much for this help!!!
Hey man, thanx very much..
Congrats on the simple yet effective tutorial..
Thank you! Just love it!
Thank you so much for posting this. I couldn't get the snow to work until I read this; now it's working and looks great! :-)
Thank you! Your directions were the best for my non-html friendly brain.
Thanks for the SNow Stuff =]
Snow in the immediate forecast! Thanks.
Wow. I have had a great load of trouble trying to make my blog snow. Haha x] And then I found this, and it just.. works. Thank you!
I could not add!!!
no idea why!
Hi Tomushka, you just need to copy code in post and paste code in gadget.
thanks a million friend for this....
thank you! thank you! thank you! ^_^
thanks! it really helps! credits or you!
Thanks a lot...............
Thanks!! Works perfect :-)
This is the first snow that I have gotten to work but it's only snowing on one side. What should I do.
When I added this to the gadgets on my blog at blogspot, the script made the snow come out of the side in a straight line. Then I got an error message saying script error html 5. I've used it before and it worked great, but I can't get it to work now. )o:
The same for me it is not working now after I change to blogger templates. What can I do?
I'm not sure this works with the new Blogger templates. Any ideas why not?
I'm having the same problem Genny describes. I used this last winter with no problem, but now, I just get a little line of rapidly-flickering white dots. Any advice?
Hi! This is an amazing script. I like it! Much better than any marquee code. But I have just one problem, any idea why I have a scroll bar that now appears at the bottom of my site, it comes and goes?
Hi! Mark...
Do you have a javascript for a rain code or do you and your readers, know of a website where I could go in order to install a rainscript on my blog that work?
I visited a website that had a rain code that worked, but my computer crashed and I lost the website address.
thanks... :) :)
Wow!! Great such a good post this is very very informative post I really inspired with this you have provide us a good knowledge.
Thank you for sharing with us.
wow good post..thank u
I want to add this for my blog, but this snowflakes isnt what I want. I want a fallling snowflakes like your blog. But thanks..
This is so helping me
This is a nice article.....I learn so much from this. Thankyou
Thanks for the great post, I can use it for the holidays.
Not working for me on a blogger template. Can you help?
To Kelly Jeanette Swift:
Did you follow the steps?
If snow effect doesn't work you can send step by step what you do and then maybe I can answer to you.
For me, the little dots race horizontally across the top of the screen, this is also the case though for all the other snow effects I tried.
It doesn't work for me :(
THANKS buddy your scipt helps a lot thanks for it and hear is my blog look at it http://docinamachine.blogspot.com/
J'aime beaucoup toutes ces couleur!
en ce moment, j'aime vraiment toutes tes tenues; les couleurs te vont vraiment bien!
His subject is good, long while I find this topic and I think it is here, many thanks guys .
snow powder
It worked perfectly thanks! :)
Thank you. Thats nice.
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