Friday, December 26, 2008

Advices to increase blog traffic and make money from blogger who earn more than 1000$ per day

Steve Pavlina said that his blog bring in over 1000$ per day (updated 10/29/06). On 12/2005 his blog has traffic of 600000 visitors.
The graph showing his traffic growth from Feb 2005 to Jan 2006.

For more information about Traffic and Adsense revenue growth of Pavlina blog click here.

My friend e-mail me three links of Pavlina blog. I found these link interesting and useful so I decided to share this links with short description. I believe that advices from man who achieved to have so large traffic can be very helpful.

How to Build a High-Traffic Web Site (or Blog)

  1. Create valuable content

  2. If the content is valuable then new links to your blog will appear every day.

  3. Create original content

  4. Create timeless content

  5. Write for human beings first, computers second

  6. Know why you want a high-traffic site

  7. Let your audience see the real you

  8. Write what is true for you, and learn to live with the consequences

  9. Treat your visitors like real human beings

  10. Keep money in its proper place

  11. If you forget the first nine suggestions, just focus on genuinely helping people, and the rest will take care of itself

How to Make Money From Your Blog

  • Can you make a decent income online?

  • The answer is yes.

  • Can most people do it?

  • No, they can’t. Pavlina agree with those who say that 99% of people who try to generate serious income from their blogs will fail.

  • What is web savy

  • Web savy must have decent functional understanding of a variety of web technologies. To make money from blogging it’s important to be something of a jack of all trades. Web savy is not concerned with the risk of loss — he is more concerned with the risk of missed gains.

  • Thriving on change

  • The blogosphere changes rapidly, and change creates opportunity. It takes some brains to decipher these opportunities and to take advantage of them before they disappear.

  • Traffic

  • Income is a function of traffic. So traffic is important. If you double your traffic, you’ll probably double your income. Web savy is able to build a high-traffic web site and he is able to leverage that traffic to build even more traffic.

    If your traffic isn’t growing month after month, does it mean you’re doing something wrong? Most likely you aren’t doing enough things right. Again, making mistakes is not the issue. Missing opportunities is.

  • Will putting ads on your site hurt your traffic?

  • The answer is no.

  • Multiple streams of income

  • Blogging software and hardware

  • Pavlina recommended WordPress

  • Comments or no comments

  • Pavlina recommends no comment. It is time consuming to reply on comments if blog is visited. Commnets has no significant influence on traffic.

  • Testing and optimization

  • You can easily double or triple your Adsense revenue by converting a poor layout into a better one.

  • Pick your niche, but make sure it isn’t too small

  • Pick a niche for your blog where you have some significant expertise, but make sure it’s a big enough niche that you can build significant traffic. Pick a niche that you’re passionate about.

How to Create Real Value

This article writes about :

  • weak value

  • strong value

  • how to create strong value

  • learning experience

  • beginners always do mistakes

  • create more than nothing and learn on mistakes

Friday, December 19, 2008

How to display HTML code in blog or web

Sometimes you want put some HTML code in your blog or web. This can be very difficult process.


Because HTML code act like code, resulting in unpredictable web page generation or be filtered out and leave empty space.


John want to write this text (HTML code) in his post :

<h3>Write code in blog</h3>

Problem is that when John write this code and publish his post, John get this:

Write code in blog

This happens because <h3> and </h3> are HTML tags and web browser interprets it like "Write code in blog" in heading 3.

We can avoid it with turning the code characters and symbols into character entities. The browser interprets these and displays them into symbols on the screen, turning the code into publishable content.

Like this:
&lt;h3&gt;Write code in blog&lt;/h3&gt;


&lt; replaces <

&gt; replaces >

So, in the end John get this text in his post:

<h3>Write code in blog</h3>

And this is what we want.

New problem

Replace all code characters and symbols into character entities is boring and time consuming job.

Generating character entities solution

Solution is web converter called Postable.
Go to this briliant web page and write HTML code you want to put on your web or blog in this page. Click "make it friendly" button and you will get character entities of the code. Paste the result and copy it in your post.


  1. Write <h3>Write code in blog</h3> code in Postable page

  2. Click button "make it friendly"

  3. Copy result

  4. Paste result in your blog editor and publish post

There is in which you can code and decode HTML. Even more power then Postable.

Facts listed in this post are not only for HTML code but for Jscript, php ...

And on the end if you want to display code formatted like on the picture bellow look article about displaying code snippets with syntax highlighter.

Example of javascript code in syntax highlighter

Friday, December 12, 2008

How to add a falling snow effect to blog (blogger or blogspot)

If you want animated falling snow effect on your blog like on this page you should read this article.

Everything you should do to add this effect to blogger blog is to :
  1. Copy this javascript code:
  2. <script src="" type="text/javascript"> /*********************************************** * Snow Effect without images-by Kurt Grigg at * Script featured & available at Dynamic Drive at * Please keep this notice intact ***********************************************/ </script>

  3. Go to Layout.
  4. Click on Add Gadget.
  5. Select HTML/JavaScript , for more help on steps 2 -4 you can look post Adding categories to blog subtitle Adding HTML or JavaScript to blog
  6. Enter a title and paste jscript code you copied in first step.

  7. If you are interested in jQuery visit jQuery snow falling effect animation on your blog.

    Or even better you can learn how to make 3D FALLING SNOW HTML EFFECT!


Very easy and now we have winter atmosphere. For those who want to choose shape of snow flakes I suggest to download instructions how to choose snowflake shape with more than 10 snowflake images like two snowflakes below. If this article was useful for you please follow my blog.

To find more javascript effects visit article: Javascript effects tutorial.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Improve blog experience with bookmarking and sharing service (AddThis button)

Example of AddThis button:

Bookmark and Share

You can see how AddThis button work if you click on AddThis button in the button right corner on the end of the post.

It is a free widget that shows a number of bookmarking options at the end of a blog post. Readers can bookmark the post on Digg, Technocrati, Google Bookmarks, Favorites and other services with a single click.

The AddThis button spreads your content across the Web by making it easier for your visitors to bookmark and share it with other people.

If you’re interested in adding AddThis button on your site visit :

Example how work AddThis on

  • John like post "Improve blog experience with AddThis button"

  • John click on AddThis button

  • John choose Digg

  • If John is already registered on Digg to submit a link he need to :

  • - enter description

    - choose a topic

    - prove that he is a human

  • Next step John need to check that post is original and that is all

  • Now post "Improve blog experience with AddThis button" is posted on, this is good

  • If Lucy also want to submit link of post "Improve blog experience with AddThis button" on she need just to give vote to article beacuse John already submit a link

  • Owner of the blog has advantage that his post is on and that is the reason why you want to have AddThis on your blog or web

Of course submit of link on is just one of options. There are more options like : Technocrati, Google BookMarks, Facebook ...