Sunday, December 19, 2010

Animated falling leaves on your site

This is a demo of animated autumn falling leaves effect for web sites and blogs. It is accomplished with java script code and very easy to implement to web page.

You need to copy and paste this code in your HTML:

<script type="text/javascript">
var snowsrc = "[PathToImageFile]";
<script src="[PathToSnowfallJsFile]" type="text/javascript"></script>

But do not forget to replace [PathToSnowfallJsFile] with path to javascript file and [PathToImageFile] with path to image of leaf.

For those who want to choose make this effect on their web sites I suggest to download instructions how to choose leaf shape or snowflake shape.

There are more javascript effects tutorials on my blog.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Falling snow flakes on web site demo

For those who want to choose shape of snow flakes I suggest to download instructions how to choose snowflake shape with more than 10 snowflake images like two snowflakes below.

Following above link you will find step by step instruction how to get custom images of snowflakes on your site. It is accomplished with code like this:

<script type="text/javascript">
var snowsrc = "[PathToImageFile]";
<script src="[PathToSnowfallJsFile]" type="text/javascript"></script>

Following this link will also find URL's for [PathToSnowfallJsFile] and [PathToImageFile]

For guide how to implement basic snowing effect on blogger follow the link.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Snowing effect with custom snowflake shape

For those who want to choose shape of snow flakes I suggest to download instructions how to choose snowflake shape with more than 10 snowflake images like two snowflakes below.

Following above link you will find step by step instruction how to get custom images of snowflakes on your site. It is accomplished with code like this:

<script type="text/javascript">
var snowsrc = "[PathToImageFile]";
<script src="[PathToSnowfallJsFile]" type="text/javascript"></script>

Following this link will also find URL's for [PathToSnowfallJsFile] and [PathToImageFile].

For guide how to implement basic snowing effect on blogger (without custom shapes) follow the link.
You can find more interesting tutorials for javascript effects on my blog.