Monday, November 26, 2012

Does GM food safe?

Does GM food is safe for consuming is the question that many consumers ask.

We will start with a few facts about GM food and finish with a few studies with a negative opinion about GMO.

Facts about GM food (source : WTO)

What is GMO?

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) can be defined as organisms in which the genetic material (DNA) has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally.

What is genetic engineering?

It is a technology which allows selected individual genes to be transferred from one organism into another, also between non-related species.

For example genetically modified cabbages which produce scorpion poison that kills caterpillars when they bite leaves. The goal is to limit pesticide use.

How GM foods safety should be assessed

Different GM organisms include different genes inserted in different ways. This means that individual GM foods and their safety should be assessed on a case-by-case basis and that it is not possible to make general statements on the safety of all GM foods.

Claimed by WHO, GM foods currently available on the international market have passed risk assessments and are not likely to present risks for human health. In addition, no effects on human health have been shown as a result of the consumption of such foods by the general population in the countries where they have been approved.

Which countries have most GM crops in 2011 (source: Guardian)

Production of GM food in the world

Negative safe studies about GMO

Árpád Pusztai study

Árpád Pusztai is a world expert on plant lectins. In his study he fed rats with genetically modified potatoes. In 1998 Pusztai said in an interview that his group had observed damage to the intestines and immune systems of rats fed the genetically modified potatoes.

He also said "If I had the choice I would certainly not eat it", and that "I find it's very unfair to use our fellow citizens as guinea pigs".
After interview Pusztai's annual contract at Rowett was not renewed (some claims on Tony Blair's request). This event is known as Pusztai affair.

He knew the truth about GMO safety year's ago:

Dr. Irina Ermakova study 2005 (source: Gmo-compass)

Dr. Irina Ermakova of the Russian Academy of Sciences recently released a study reporting higher mortality rates and lower body weight among young rats whose mothers were fed a diet of herbicide resistant, genetically modified soybeans.

The scientific team found that the mortality rate of the offspring of rats fed genetically modified soy flour was six times higher than that of rats raised with feed from conventional soy.

These findings were never published in a peer reviewed journal.

According to the ACNFP, Dr. Ermakova's findings are inconsistent with a recognized, published research report. At South Dakota State University in the United States, Denise Brake and Dr. Donald Evenson conducted similar feeding studies on mice with GM soybean and published their results in a peer-reviewed scientific journal in 2004. Brake and Evenson’s studies found no negative effects.

French study 2012 (source: Dailymail)

Rats fed a lifelong diet of one of the bestselling genetically modified corn suffered tumours and multiple organ damage.

It is the first to look at the impact of eating a GM diet over a lifetime in rats, which is two years. Until this study, safety assessments of GM crops have been based on rat feeding trials lasting 90 days.

Shocking images of tumours in mice caused by exclusively eating GM corn: Shocking images of tumours in mice caused by exclusively eating GM corn

Michael Antoniou, a molecular biologist at King's College London, who helped draft the paper, told reporters about need to test all GM crops in two-year lifelong studies. He said:

I feel this data is strong enough to withdraw the marketing approval for this variety of GM maize temporarily, until this study is followed up and repeated with larger number of animals to get the full statistical power that we want

Seralini, the main team research member believes his latest lifetime rat tests give a more realistic and authoritative view of risks than the 90-day feeding trials that form the basis of GM crop approvals, since three months is only the equivalent of early adulthood in rats.

Recently six french science academies dismiss this study.

At the end

We can conclude that there are studies which results indicates the GMO technology could be extremely dangerous. On the other side there are even more studies which claims that GMO is safe.

All three studies mentioned in this article were challenged by research community. Problem is that multinational monopolistic industry fund research centers and studies. So you may ask yourself if you would be a scientist would you make such a study which consequence will be loss of your cash flow.

Dr. Mae-Wan Ho citation:

Genetic engineering biotechnology is inherently hazardous. It could lead to disasters far worse than those caused by accidents to nuclear installations...

I should, right away, dispel the myth that genetic engineering is just like conventional breeding techniques. It is not. Genetic engineering bypasses conventional breeding by using the artificially constructed vectors to multiply copies of genes, and in many cases, to carry and smuggle genes into cells.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Christmas effects on HTML page

On this page you can find links to christmas javascript effects which can be applied on your web page.

We will start with two snow effect, then continue with moving santa.

Look below for links to christmas effect tutorials!

Christmas snowing javascript effect - find how to add snowing effect on your web page. Following this link more advanced users can also find how to make snow fall with a custom snow flakes.

Snow fall effect sample from my blog

Moving santa on your HTML page - how to get moving christmas Stana Claus on your HTML page with a help of javascript.

Animate - Moving image effect on web page

3D snow effect in HTML5 - want a window looking on 3D falling snow on your HTML page? This impressive 3D effect you can find by following the link.

3D snow effect with HTML5 and javascript

jQuery snow falling effect - if you like jQuery, linked article could teach you how to add snowing effect on you web site using jQuery.

jQuery snowing effect animation sample

Thursday, November 8, 2012

jQuery snow falling effect on your blog

How to get jQuery snowing effect animation on your blog or web site?

Very easy, you just need to copy a few lines of HTML code plus a few lines of jQuery code and your web page will snowing, many snowflakes will fall.

jQuery snow falling effect is visible on this page. If you look at page you will see falling snowflakes.

To get same (jQuery) snow effect you need to include this code on your page:

<script src="" 
<script src="" 

 $(document).ready( function(){

So, to get jQuery snowing effect you just need to copy code above and paste it on your HTML page.

First four lines of HTML code are links to jquery-1.8.2.min.js and to jquery.snow.js files. Lines 6 to 10 is jquery code which call snow method from jquery.snow.js file.

jQuery snowing effect animation sample

You can download jquery.snow.js file from WORKSHOP owned by Ivan Lazarevic (the author of snowing script code), then upload this file somewhere on internet and use it for your blog or web site.

There is another snowing effect on my blog written in ordinary javascript.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Get advert on my blog

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    • snow animation for blogger
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  • How: send 150 X 100 px image with a link to my mail with a subject SNOWADVERT. Then, I will reply to your mail and give you instructions how to pay in 5$ using PayPal. After payment, advert will be placed on the page.