Monday, December 17, 2012

Submit guest post guidelines

Here are some basic guidelines for submitting guest post on this blog.

First let's list few reasons why you should guest post:

  • by posting on other’s blog, you are gaining exposure and publicity

  • get more backlinks

  • immediately increase traffic if you guest post on popular blogs

Rules for guest posting on this blog

Choose a topic

  • suggest a few titles with two or three keywords - e.g. Title: "How to increase web traffic" Keywords: "increase traffic"

    • I will decide if I am satisfied with suggested titles, topic and keywords, optionally you can make keyword research

    • you can send me your suggestion on this mail with a subject "Guest post"

  • Choose a topic which is related with this blog. Topics could be:

    • HTML, CSS...

    • javascript, jQuery

    • tips for blogspot blog

    • tips for general blogging

    • how to increase web traffic, monetization and SEO

  • guest post should have some useful information, answer on some question or give some step by step instructions how to do something, for example: Adding categories to blogspot (blogger)

Post rules
  • article must be original, it shouldn't be published anywhere on web

  • use paragraph tags (<p></p>)

  • paragraphs should not be too long, so text should be easy to read

  • you shuold pay attention on keywords in text:

    • Keyword position on web page

    • Keyword density

    • Keyword proximity

  • using unordered list is a good idea, example:
    <li>first line</li>
    <li>second line</li>

Writing code inside guest post
  • if you want to have some code in guest post put it inside <pre> tags for example: <pre>Some code</pre>

  • don't forget to replace code characters and symbols into character entities, find more in How to display HTML code in blog or web


If you have some screenshots you could send me images in mail (not more then 3 per post) and type image file name inside text where image should be. .jpg format is recommended.

Example of well formated text

At the end here is HTML for this post. When you send me guest post it should be formated similar to this example:

<p>Here are some basic guidelines for submitting guest post on this blog.</p>
<p>First let's list few reasons why you should guest post:
<ul><li>by posting on other%u2019s blog, you are gaining exposure and publicity</li>
<br />
<li>get more backlinks</li>
<br />
<li>immediately increase traffic if you guest post on popular blogs</li>
<br /><br />
<h3>Rules for guest posting on this blog</h3>
<h4>Choose a topic</h4>
<li>suggest a few titles with two or three keywords - e.g. Title: "How to increse web traffic" Keywords: "increase traffic"
<br /><br />
<ul><li>I will decide if I am satisfied with suggested titles, topic and keywords, optionally you can make <a href="">keyword research</a></li>
<br />
<li>you can send me your suggestion on this <a href=" post">mail</a> with a subject "Guest post"</li>
<br /><br />
<li>Choose  a topic which is related with this blog. Topics could be:
<ul><br />
<li>HTML, CSS...</li>
<br />
<li>javascript, jQuery</li>
<br />
<li>tips for blogspot blog</li>
<br />
<li>tips for general blogging</li>
<br />
<li>how to increase web traffic, monetization and SEO</li>
<br />
<li>guest post should have some useful information, answer on some question or give some step by step instructions how to do something, for example: <a href="">Adding categories to blogspot (blogger)</a> </li>
<br />
<b>Post rules</b>
<ul><li>article must be original, it <b>shouldn't be published anywhere on web</b></li>
<br />
<li>use paragraph tags (&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt;)</li>
<br />
<li>paragraphs should not be too long, so text should be easy to read</li>
<br />
<li>you shuold pay attention on <a href="">keywords in text</a>:
<br /> <br /> 
<ul><li>Keyword position on web page</li>
<br /> 
<li>Keyword density</li>
<br /> 
<li>Keyword proximity</li>
<br />
<li>using unordered list is a good idea, example:
<br />
<br />
&lt;li&gt;first line&lt;/li&gt;
<br />
&lt;li&gt;second line&lt;/li&gt;
<br />
<br />
<b>Writing code inside guest post</b>
<li>if you want to have some code in guest post put it inside &lt;pre&gt; tags for example: &lt;pre&gt;Some code&lt;/pre&gt;</li>
<br />
<li>don't forget to replace code characters and symbols into character entities, find more in <a href="">How to display HTML code in blog or web</a></li>

Thursday, December 6, 2012

3D snowflakes effect on HTML page or blog

Here is a sample of 3D snow effect on HTML page. This sample work with a help of HTML5 and three.js library.

Snowflakes are moving in 3D manner and if you move mouse on left snowflakes will rotate to left. Same thing function for other directions. Try it!.

This 3D snow effect work on new version of browsers which support HTML5 functionality.

It seem this effect does not work on Internet Explorer browser but it works well on Chrome and Firefox.

Here is 3D snowfall code:

<style type="text/css">
   .snow {
    background-color: #000099;
    margin: 0px;
    overflow: hidden;
    width: 650px;
    height: 350px;
<div id="Div1" class="snow"></div>

 <script type="text/javascript" src="">
 <script type="text/javascript" src="">
<script src=""


Let's explain 3D snowfalling code

  • Line 1 to 9 is a style for div HTML element in which snowfall effect is putted, this style is used for .snow class, you can change value in style to adjust width, height or color to your needs

  • Line 11 is div element, its class in snow so style from beginning of code is used on this div

  • Line 13 to 14 is a reference to three.js library, it is 3D library

  • Line 15 to 16 is a reference to Snow.js library. This library make this cool 3D snow effect

  • Line 17 to 18 is a reference to 3DSnowBox.js. This file is mine and it make call to Snow.js easier

  • line 20 to 22 is a javascript call to a Init method with id parameter of div element in which 3D snow should occur

If you find this article useful please make a link to this article on your page or blog!